Country and County Codes
A list of all the Country, County, State, Region and Chapman codes that are available for use when entering Research Interests.
You can enter a Search term to filter the entries. Click headings to sort up or down.
If your code is in the list then the available expansion will be used where appropriate.
If your “code” is not in the list then enter it in the Parish or Town field.
Code | Usage | Type |
ABA | Albania | Country name |
ABW | Aruba | Country name |
AFG | Afghanistan | Country name |
AGO | Angola | Country name |
AIA | Anguilla | Country name |
ALB | Albania | Country name |
ALG | Algeria | Country name |
AND | Andorra | Country name |
ANT | Netherlands Antilles | Country name |
ARE | United Arab Emirates (Arab Emirates) | Country name |
ARG | Argentina | Country name |
ARM | Armenia | Country name |
ASM | American Samoa | Country name |
ATA | Antarctica | Country name |
ATB | Br. Antarctic Territory (part of Antartica) | Country name |
ATF | French Southern Territories | Country name |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | Country name |
AUS | Australia | Country name |
AUT | Austria | Country name |
AZE | Azerbaijan | Country name |
BDI | Burundi | Country name |
BEL | Belgium | Country name |
BEN | Benin | Country name |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Country name |
BGD | Bangladesh | Country name |
BGR | Bulgaria | Country name |
BHR | Bahrain | Country name |
BHS | Bahamas | Country name |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Country name |
BLR | Belarus | Country name |
BLZ | Belize | Country name |
BMU | Bermuda | Country name |
BOL | Bolivia | Country name |
BRA | Brazil | Country name |
BRB | Barbados | Country name |
BRD | Germany - West | Country name |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam | Country name |
BTN | Bhutan | Country name |
BVT | Bouvet Island | Country name |
BWA | Botswana | Country name |
BYS | Byelorussia (now Belarus) | Country name |
CAF | Central African Republic | Country name |
CAN | Canada | Country name |
CCK | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Country name |
CHL | Chile | Country name |
CHN | China | Country name |
CIV | Cote D’ivoire | Country name |
CMR | Cameroon | Country name |
COG | Congo | Country name |
COK | Cook Islands | Country name |
COL | Colombia | Country name |
COM | Comoros | Country name |
CPV | Cape Verde | Country name |
CRI | Costa Rica | Country name |
CSK | Czechoslovakia | Country name |
CUB | Cuba | Country name |
CXR | Christmas Island | Country name |
CYM | Cayman Islands | Country name |
CYP | Cyprus | Country name |
CZE | Czech Republic | Country name |
DDR | German Democratic Republic | Country name |
DEU | Germany (Deutschland) | Country name |
DHY | Dahomey (now Benin) | Country name |
DJI | Djibouti | Country name |
DMA | Dominica | Country name |
DNG | Dutch New Guinea (now Papua New Guinea) | Country name |
DNK | Denmark | Country name |
DOM | Dominican Republic | Country name |
DZA | Algeria | Country name |
ECU | Ecuador | Country name |
EGY | Egypt | Country name |
EIR | Eire (from 1922) | Country name |
ELS | El Salvador | Country name |
ENG | England | Country name |
ERI | Eritrea | Country name |
ESH | Western Sahara | Country name |
ESP | Spain (Espana) | Country name |
EST | Estonia | Country name |
ETH | Ethiopia | Country name |
EUP | Europe | Country name |
FIN | Finland | Country name |
FJI | Fiji | Country name |
FLK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | Country name |
FRA | France | Country name |
FRO | Faroe Islands | Country name |
FSM | Micronesia, Federated States of | Country name |
FXX | France, Metropolitan | Country name |
GAB | Gabon | Country name |
GBR | United Kingdom | Country name |
GEL | Gilbert and Ellice Islands | Country name |
GEO | Georgia | Country name |
GER | Germany - Old Empire * the NZSG Library uses GER for all German records | Country name |
GHA | Ghana | Country name |
GIB | Gibraltar | Country name |
GIN | Guinea | Country name |
GLP | Guadeloupe | Country name |
GMB | Gambia | Country name |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | Country name |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | Country name |
GRC | Greece | Country name |
GRD | Grenada | Country name |
GRL | Greenland | Country name |
GTM | Guatemala | Country name |
GUF | French Guiana | Country name |
GUM | Guam | Country name |
GUY | Guyana | Country name |
HGY | Hungary | Country name |
HKG | Hong Kong | Country name |
HMD | Heard Island & McDonald Islands | Country name |
HND | Honduras | Country name |
HOL | Holland (now Netherlands) | Country name |
HRV | Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska) | Country name |
HTI | Haiti | Country name |
HUN | Hungary | Country name |
HVO | Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso) | Country name |
IDN | Indonesia | Country name |
IDN | East Indies (see Indonesia) | Country name |
IND | India | Country name |
IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory | Country name |
IRL | Ireland | Country name |
IRN | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Country name |
IRQ | Iraq | Country name |
ISL | Iceland | Country name |
ISR | Israel | Country name |
ITA | Italy | Country name |
JAM | Jamaica | Country name |
JOR | Jordan | Country name |
JPN | Japan | Country name |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | Country name |
KEN | Kenya | Country name |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | Country name |
KHM | Cambodia | Country name |
KIR | Kiribati | Country name |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Country name |
KNY | Kenya | Country name |
KOR | Korea, Republic of | Country name |
KWT | Kuwait | Country name |
LAO | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | Country name |
LBN | Lebanon | Country name |
LBR | Liberia | Country name |
LBY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Country name |
LCA | Saint Lucia | Country name |
LIE | Liechtenstein | Country name |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Country name |
LSO | Lesotho | Country name |
LTU | Lithuania | Country name |
LUX | Luxembourg | Country name |
LVA | Latvia | Country name |
MAC | Macau | Country name |
MAR | Morocco | Country name |
MCO | Monaco | Country name |
MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Country name |
MDG | Madagascar | Country name |
MDV | Maldives | Country name |
MEX | Mexico | Country name |
MHL | Marshall Islands | Country name |
MKD | Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of | Country name |
MLI | Mali | Country name |
MLT | Malta | Country name |
MMR | Myanmar | Country name |
MMR | Burma (now Myanmar) | Country name |
MNG | Mongolia | Country name |
MNP | Northern Mariana Islands | Country name |
MOZ | Mozambique | Country name |
MRT | Mauritania | Country name |
MSR | Montserrat | Country name |
MTQ | Martinique | Country name |
MUS | Mauritius | Country name |
MWI | Malawi | Country name |
MYS | Malaysia | Country name |
MYT | Mayotte | Country name |
NAM | Namibia | Country name |
NCL | New Caledonia | Country name |
NER | Niger | Country name |
NFI | Norfolk Island | Country name |
NFK | Norfolk Island | Country name |
NGA | Nigeria | Country name |
NHB | New Hebrides | Country name |
NIC | Nicaragua | Country name |
NIR | Northern Ireland (from 1922) | Country name |
NIU | Niue | Country name |
NLD | Netherlands | Country name |
NOR | Norway | Country name |
NPL | Nepal | Country name |
NRU | Nauru | Country name |
NTZ | Neutral Zone | Country name |
NZ | New Zealand | Country name |
NZL | New Zealand | Country name |
OMN | Oman | Country name |
PAK | Pakistan | Country name |
PAN | Panama | Country name |
PCN | Pitcairn | Country name |
PCZ | Panama Canal Zone (now part of Panama) | Country name |
PER | Peru | Country name |
PHL | Philippines | Country name |
PLW | Palau | Country name |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | Country name |
POL | Poland | Country name |
PRI | Puerto Rico | Country name |
PRK | Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of | Country name |
PRT | Portugal | Country name |
PRY | Paraguay | Country name |
PYF | French Polynesia | Country name |
QAT | Qatar | Country name |
REU | Reunion | Country name |
RHO | Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) | Country name |
ROU | Romania (formerly “ROM” pre 2002) | Country name |
RSA | Republic of South Africa | Country name |
RUS | Russian Federation | Country name |
RWA | Rwanda | Country name |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | Country name |
SCG | Serbia and Montenegro (now separate countries) | Country name |
SCN | Scandinavia | Country name |
SCT | Scotland | Country name |
SDN | Sudan | Country name |
SEN | Senegal | Country name |
SGP | Singapore | Country name |
SHN | Saint Helena | Country name |
SIC | Sicily (part of Italy) | Country name |
SJM | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | Country name |
SLB | Solomon Islands | Country name |
SLE | Sierra Leone | Country name |
SLV | El Salvador | Country name |
SMR | San Marino | Country name |
SMW | Samoa -Western | Country name |
SOM | Somalia | Country name |
SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Country name |
STP | Sao Tome and Principe | Country name |
SUR | Suriname | Country name |
SVK | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | Country name |
SVN | Slovenia | Country name |
SWE | Sweden | Country name |
SWI | Switzerland | Country name |
SWZ | Swaziland | Country name |
SYC | Seychelles | Country name |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Country name |
TAH | Tahiti | Country name |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands | Country name |
TCD | Chad | Country name |
TGO | Togo | Country name |
THA | Thailand | Country name |
TJK | Tajikistan | Country name |
TKL | Tokelau | Country name |
TKM | Turkmenistan | Country name |
TLS | East Timor (formerly “TMP” pre 2002) | Country name |
TON | Tonga | Country name |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago | Country name |
TUN | Tunisia | Country name |
TUR | Turkey | Country name |
TUV | Tuvalu | Country name |
TWN | Taiwan, Province of China | Country name |
TZA | Tanzania, United Republic of | Country name |
UGA | Uganda | Country name |
UK | United Kingdom | Country name |
UKR | Ukraine | Country name |
UMI | United States, Minor Outlying Islands | Country name |
URY | Uruguay | Country name |
USA | United States Of America | Country name |
UZB | Uzbekistan | Country name |
VAT | Vatican City State (Holy See) | Country name |
VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Country name |
VEN | Venezuela | Country name |
VGB | Virgin Islands (British) | Country name |
VIR | Virgin Islands (U.S.) | Country name |
VNM | Viet Nam | Country name |
VUT | Vanuatu | Country name |
WIF | West Indies * used for all West Indies, over multiple time periods | Country name |
WLF | Wallis and Futuna Islands | Country name |
WLS | Wales | Country name |
WSM | Samoa | Country name |
YEM | Yemen | Country name |
YUG | Yugoslavia | Country name |
ZAF | South Africa (Zuid Afrika) | Country name |
ZAR | Zaire | Country name |
ZMB | Zambia | Country name |
ZWE | Zimbabwe | Country name |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory | County/State/Province of AUS |
ANT | Australian Antarctic Territory | County/State/Province of AUS |
NSW | New South Wales | County/State/Province of AUS |
NT | Northern Territory | County/State/Province of AUS |
QLD | Queensland | County/State/Province of AUS |
SA | South Australia | County/State/Province of AUS |
TAS | Tasmania | County/State/Province of AUS |
VIC | Victoria | County/State/Province of AUS |
WA | Western Australia | County/State/Province of AUS |
BUR | Burgenland | County/State/Province of AUT |
KAR | Karnten (Carynthia) | County/State/Province of AUT |
NOE | Niederosterreich | County/State/Province of AUT |
OOE | Oberosterreich | County/State/Province of AUT |
SLZ | Salzburg | County/State/Province of AUT |
STY | Steiermark (Styria) | County/State/Province of AUT |
TIR | Tirol (Tyrolia) | County/State/Province of AUT |
VOR | Vorarlberg | County/State/Province of AUT |
WIE | Wien (Vienna) | County/State/Province of AUT |
ATW | Antwerpen | County/State/Province of BEL |
BBT | Brabant | County/State/Province of BEL |
HNT | Hainaut | County/State/Province of BEL |
LBG | Limburg | County/State/Province of BEL |
LGE | Liege | County/State/Province of BEL |
LXM | Luxembourg (Prov) | County/State/Province of BEL |
NMR | Namur | County/State/Province of BEL |
OVL | Oost-Vlaanderen | County/State/Province of BEL |
WVL | West-Vlaanderen | County/State/Province of BEL |
BAW | Baden-Wurtemburg | County/State/Province of BRD |
BAY | Bayern | County/State/Province of BRD |
BLW | West Berlin | County/State/Province of BRD |
BRM | Bremen | County/State/Province of BRD |
HBG | Hamburg | County/State/Province of BRD |
HES | Hessen (Hesse) | County/State/Province of BRD |
NRW | Nordrhein-Westfalen (Nth. Rhine-Westfalia) | County/State/Province of BRD |
NSA | Niedersachsen | County/State/Province of BRD |
RPF | Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) | County/State/Province of BRD |
SAA | Saarland | County/State/Province of BRD |
SHO | Schleswig-Holstein | County/State/Province of BRD |
AB | Alberta | County/State/Province of CAN |
BC | British Columbia | County/State/Province of CAN |
LB | Labrador(now part of Newfoundland and Labrador) | County/State/Province of CAN |
MAN | Manitoba | County/State/Province of CAN |
MB | Manitoba | County/State/Province of CAN |
NB | New Brunswick | County/State/Province of CAN |
NF | Newfoundland(now part of Newfoundland and Labrador) | County/State/Province of CAN |
NFD | Newfoundland | County/State/Province of CAN |
NL | Newfoundland and Labrador | County/State/Province of CAN |
NS | Nova Scotia | County/State/Province of CAN |
NT | Northwest Territories | County/State/Province of CAN |
NU | Nunavut | County/State/Province of CAN |
NWT | Northwest Territories | County/State/Province of CAN |
ON | Ontario | County/State/Province of CAN |
ONT | Ontario | County/State/Province of CAN |
PE | Prince Edward Island | County/State/Province of CAN |
PEI | Prince Edward Island | County/State/Province of CAN |
QC | Quebec | County/State/Province of CAN |
QUE | Quebec | County/State/Province of CAN |
SAS | Saskatchewan | County/State/Province of CAN |
SK | Saskatchewan | County/State/Province of CAN |
YT | Yukon | County/State/Province of CAN |
YUK | Yukon Territory | County/State/Province of CAN |
BLO | Berlin | County/State/Province of DDR |
COT | Cottbus | County/State/Province of DDR |
DRE | Dresden | County/State/Province of DDR |
ERF | Erfurt | County/State/Province of DDR |
FFO | Frankfurt/Oder | County/State/Province of DDR |
GRA | Gera | County/State/Province of DDR |
HAL | Halle | County/State/Province of DDR |
KMS | Karl-Marx-Stadt | County/State/Province of DDR |
LPZ | Leipzig | County/State/Province of DDR |
MAG | Magdeburg | County/State/Province of DDR |
NBR | Neubrandenburg | County/State/Province of DDR |
POT | Potsdam | County/State/Province of DDR |
RST | Rostock | County/State/Province of DDR |
SUH | Suhl | County/State/Province of DDR |
SWR | Schwerin | County/State/Province of DDR |
FUN | Funen | County/State/Province of DEN |
NJT | North Jutland | County/State/Province of DEN |
SCH | Schleswig | County/State/Province of DEN |
SLD | Sealand | County/State/Province of DEN |
AVN | Avon [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
BDF | Bedfordshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
BEK | Berkshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
BKM | Buckinghamshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
BRK | Berkshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
BUK | Buckinghamshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
CAM | Cambridgeshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
CHS | Cheshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
CLV | Cleveland [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
CMA | Cumbria [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
CON | Cornwall | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
CUL | Cumberland [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
DBY | Derbyshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
DEV | Devon | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
DOR | Dorset | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
DUR | Durham | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
ERY | East Riding of Yorkshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
ERY | Yorkshire, East Riding [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
ESS | Essex | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
GLS | Gloucestershire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
GTM | Greater Manchester [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
HAM | Hampshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
HEF | Herefordshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
HRT | Hertfordshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
HUM | Humberside [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
HUN | Huntingdonshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
HWR | Hereford & Worcester [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
IOM | Isle Of Man | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
IOW | Isle of Wight (HAM) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
KEN | Kent | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
LAN | Lancashire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
LEC | Leicestershire (BSI & LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
LEI | Leicestershire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
LIN | Lincolnshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
LND | London | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
MDX | Middlesex [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
MID | Middlesex (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
MSY | Merseyside [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NBL | Northumberland | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NFK | Norfolk | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NRY | North Riding of Yorkshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NRY | Yorkshire, North Riding [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NTH | Northamptonshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NTM | Northumberland (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NTT | Nottinghamshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
NYK | North Yorkshire [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
OXF | Oxfordshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
RUT | Rutlandshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SAL | Shropshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SFK | Suffolk | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SHR | Shropshire (BSI & LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SOM | Somerset | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SRY | Surrey | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SSX | Sussex [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
STF | Staffordshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
STS | Staffordshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SUF | Suffolk (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SUR | Surrey (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SUS | Sussex (LDS) | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SXE | East Sussex [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SXW | West Sussex [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
SYK | South Yorkshire [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
TWR | Tyne & Wear [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WAR | Warwickshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WES | Westmorland [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WIL | Wiltshire | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WMD | West Midlands [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WOR | Worcestershire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WRY | Yorkshire, West Riding [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WRY | West Riding of Yorkshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
WYK | West Yorkshire [from 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
YKS | Yorkshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of ENGLAND |
ALS | Alsace | County/State/Province of FRA |
AQU | Aquitaine | County/State/Province of FRA |
AUV | Auvergne | County/State/Province of FRA |
BN | Normandie (Basse) | County/State/Province of FRA |
BRG | Bourgogne | County/State/Province of FRA |
BRT | Bretagne | County/State/Province of FRA |
CHA | Champagne | County/State/Province of FRA |
CRS | Corse | County/State/Province of FRA |
FC | Franche-Conte | County/State/Province of FRA |
HN | Normandie (Haute) | County/State/Province of FRA |
LGD | Languedoc | County/State/Province of FRA |
LMS | Limousia (Limousin) | County/State/Province of FRA |
LOR | Lorraine | County/State/Province of FRA |
MP | Midi-Pyrenees | County/State/Province of FRA |
PCA | Provence Cote d'Azur | County/State/Province of FRA |
PCH | Poitou-Charentes | County/State/Province of FRA |
PIC | Picardie | County/State/Province of FRA |
PL | Pays de la Loire | County/State/Province of FRA |
RHA | Rhone-Alpes | County/State/Province of FRA |
RPA | Region Parisienne | County/State/Province of FRA |
ANH | Anhalt | County/State/Province of GER |
BAD | Baden | County/State/Province of GER |
BAV | Bayern (Bavaria) | County/State/Province of GER |
BLN | Berlin | County/State/Province of GER |
BRM | Bremen | County/State/Province of GER |
BSW | Braunschweig (Brunswick) | County/State/Province of GER |
ELO | Elsass-Lothr (Alsace-Lorraine) | County/State/Province of GER |
GHE | Ghzm. Hessen (Gr. Dukedom Hesse) | County/State/Province of GER |
HAN | Hannover | County/State/Province of GER |
HBG | Hamburg | County/State/Province of GER |
HEN | Hessen-Nassau | County/State/Province of GER |
HOH | Hohenzollern | County/State/Province of GER |
KSA | Kgr. Sachsen (Kingdom Saxony) | County/State/Province of GER |
LIP | Lippe | County/State/Province of GER |
LUE | Lubeck | County/State/Province of GER |
MEK | Mecklenburg | County/State/Province of GER |
MST | M.-Streliz | County/State/Province of GER |
MSW | M.-Schwerin | County/State/Province of GER |
OLD | Oldenburg | County/State/Province of GER |
OPR | Ostpreussen (East Prussia) | County/State/Province of GER |
POM | Pommern (Pommerania) | County/State/Province of GER |
POS | Posen | County/State/Province of GER |
PRE | Preussen allg (Prussia Gen) | County/State/Province of GER |
PSA | Prov. Sachsen (Prov. of Saxony) | County/State/Province of GER |
PYR | Pyrmont | County/State/Province of GER |
RPR | Rheinprovinz | County/State/Province of GER |
SAB | Sachsen-Altenburg | County/State/Province of GER |
SHO | Schleswig-Holstein | County/State/Province of GER |
SIL | Schlesien (Silesia) | County/State/Province of GER |
SLP | Schaumburg-Lippe | County/State/Province of GER |
SME | S.-Meiningen | County/State/Province of GER |
SRU | S.-Rudolstadt | County/State/Province of GER |
SSO | S.-Sondershausen | County/State/Province of GER |
THU | Thuringen | County/State/Province of GER |
WAL | Waldeck | County/State/Province of GER |
WEF | Westfalen | County/State/Province of GER |
WPR | Westpreussen (West Prussia) | County/State/Province of GER |
WUE | Wurtemburg | County/State/Province of GER |
ANT | Antrim [NIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
ARM | Armagh [NIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
CAR | Carlow [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
CAV | Cavan [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
CLA | Clare [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
COR | Cork [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
DON | Donegal [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
DOW | Down [NIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
DRY | Derry (GRD) | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
DUB | Dublin [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
FER | Fermanagh [NIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
GAL | Galway [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
KER | Kerry [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
KID | Kildare [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
KIK | Kilkenny [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LDY | Derry (see Londonderry) [NIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LDY | Londonderry [NIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LET | Leitrim [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LEX | Leix (Laois, Queens) [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LEX | Queens (see Leix) [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LEX | Laois (see Leix(Queens)) [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LIM | Limerick [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LOG | Longford [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
LOU | Louth [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
MAY | Mayo [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
MEA | Meath [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
MOG | Monoghan [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
OFF | Offaly (Kings) [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
OFF | Kings (see Offaly) [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
ROS | Roscommon [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
SLI | Sligo [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
TIP | Tipperary [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
TYR | Tyrone [NIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
WAT | Waterford [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
WEM | Westmeath [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
WEX | Wexford [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
WIC | Wicklow [EIR from 1922] | County/State/Province of IRELAND |
DRN | Drenthe | County/State/Province of NL |
FLE | Flevoland | County/State/Province of NL |
FRI | Friesland | County/State/Province of NL |
GRO | Groningen | County/State/Province of NL |
LMB | Limburg | County/State/Province of NL |
NBT | Noord-Brabant | County/State/Province of NL |
NOH | Noord-Holland | County/State/Province of NL |
OIJ | Overijssel | County/State/Province of NL |
UTR | Utrecht | County/State/Province of NL |
ZEL | Zeeland | County/State/Province of NL |
ZUH | Zuid-Holland | County/State/Province of NL |
AAG | Aust-Agder | County/State/Province of NOR |
AKS | Akershus | County/State/Province of NOR |
BRT | Brastsberg | County/State/Province of NOR |
BSK | Baskerud | County/State/Province of NOR |
FNM | Finnmark | County/State/Province of NOR |
FRK | Ryfylke | County/State/Province of NOR |
HDL | Hordaland | County/State/Province of NOR |
HDM | Hedmark | County/State/Province of NOR |
JOL | Jarlsberg og Larvik | County/State/Province of NOR |
KST | Kristian | County/State/Province of NOR |
LOM | Lister of Mandal | County/State/Province of NOR |
NBG | Nordre Bergenhus | County/State/Province of NOR |
NDL | Nordland | County/State/Province of NOR |
NDS | Nedenes | County/State/Province of NOR |
NTD | Nordre Trondhjem | County/State/Province of NOR |
OPL | Oppland | County/State/Province of NOR |
OSL | Oslo | County/State/Province of NOR |
OST | Ostfold | County/State/Province of NOR |
RGL | Rogaland | County/State/Province of NOR |
SBG | Sondre Bergenhus | County/State/Province of NOR |
SML | Samaalenene | County/State/Province of NOR |
SOF | Sogn og Fjordane | County/State/Province of NOR |
STG | Sor-Trondelag | County/State/Province of NOR |
STJ | Sondre Trondhjem | County/State/Province of NOR |
STV | Stavanger | County/State/Province of NOR |
TLM | Telemark | County/State/Province of NOR |
TRM | Tromso | County/State/Province of NOR |
VAG | Vest-Agder | County/State/Province of NOR |
VST | Vestfold | County/State/Province of NOR |
AKD | Auckland | County/State/Province of NZ |
BOP | Bay of Plenty | County/State/Province of NZ |
CBY | Canterbury - Central | County/State/Province of NZ |
ECP | East Cape/Poverty Bay | County/State/Province of NZ |
HBY | Hawkes Bay | County/State/Province of NZ |
KCY | King Country | County/State/Province of NZ |
MBH | Marlborough | County/State/Province of NZ |
MWT | Manawatu/Oroua | County/State/Province of NZ |
NCY | Canterbury - North | County/State/Province of NZ |
NLN | Nelson | County/State/Province of NZ |
OTG | Otago | County/State/Province of NZ |
SCY | Canterbury - South | County/State/Province of NZ |
SLD | Southland | County/State/Province of NZ |
TNK | Taranaki | County/State/Province of NZ |
TPO | Taupo | County/State/Province of NZ |
TVY | Thames Valley/Coromandel | County/State/Province of NZ |
WAN | Wanganui/Rangitikei | County/State/Province of NZ |
WKT | Waikato | County/State/Province of NZ |
WLD | Westland | County/State/Province of NZ |
WRP | Wairarapa | County/State/Province of NZ |
WTN | Wellington | County/State/Province of NZ |
BB | Bielsko-Biala | County/State/Province of POL |
BK | Bialystok | County/State/Province of POL |
BL | Brzesc Litewski * | County/State/Province of POL |
BP | Biala Podlaska | County/State/Province of POL |
BR | Braclaw * | County/State/Province of POL |
BY | Bydgoszcz | County/State/Province of POL |
BZ | Blez * | County/State/Province of POL |
CI | Ciechanow | County/State/Province of POL |
CM | Chelm | County/State/Province of POL |
CZ | Czestochowa | County/State/Province of POL |
EL | Elblag | County/State/Province of POL |
GD | Gdansk | County/State/Province of POL |
GO | Gorzow | County/State/Province of POL |
JG | Jelenia Gora | County/State/Province of POL |
KA | Katowice | County/State/Province of POL |
KI | Kielce | County/State/Province of POL |
KJ | Kijow * | County/State/Province of POL |
KL | Kalisz | County/State/Province of POL |
KN | Konin | County/State/Province of POL |
KO | Koszalin | County/State/Province of POL |
KR | Krakow | County/State/Province of POL |
LD | Lodz | County/State/Province of POL |
LE | Leszno | County/State/Province of POL |
LG | Legnica | County/State/Province of POL |
LO | Lomza | County/State/Province of POL |
LU | Lubin | County/State/Province of POL |
LW | Lwow * | County/State/Province of POL |
NG | Nowogrodek * | County/State/Province of POL |
OL | Olsztyn | County/State/Province of POL |
OP | Opole | County/State/Province of POL |
OS | Ostroleka | County/State/Province of POL |
PC | Polock * | County/State/Province of POL |
PD | Podole * | County/State/Province of POL |
PI | Pila | County/State/Province of POL |
PK | Prusy Ksiazece * | County/State/Province of POL |
PL | Plock | County/State/Province of POL |
PO | Poznan | County/State/Province of POL |
PT | Piotrkow | County/State/Province of POL |
RA | Radom | County/State/Province of POL |
RS | Rus * | County/State/Province of POL |
RZ | Rzeszow | County/State/Province of POL |
SE | Siedlce | County/State/Province of POL |
SI | Sieradz | County/State/Province of POL |
SL | Slupsk | County/State/Province of POL |
SM | Smolensk * | County/State/Province of POL |
SW | Suwalki | County/State/Province of POL |
SZ | Szczecin | County/State/Province of POL |
TA | Tarnow | County/State/Province of POL |
TG | Tarnobrzeg | County/State/Province of POL |
TO | Torun | County/State/Province of POL |
TP | Tarnopol * | County/State/Province of POL |
TR | Troki * | County/State/Province of POL |
WB | Walbrzych | County/State/Province of POL |
WL | Wloclawek | County/State/Province of POL |
WN | Wolyn * | County/State/Province of POL |
WR | Wroclaw | County/State/Province of POL |
WT | Witebsk * | County/State/Province of POL |
ZA | Samosc | County/State/Province of POL |
ZD | Zmudi * | County/State/Province of POL |
ZG | Zielona Gora | County/State/Province of POL |
CPC | Cape Colony | County/State/Province of RSA |
NAT | Natal | County/State/Province of RSA |
OFS | Orange Free State | County/State/Province of RSA |
TRV | Transvaal | County/State/Province of RSA |
ABD | Aberdeenshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ANS | Angus [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ANS | Forfar (see Angus) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ARL | Argyllshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
AYR | Ayrshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
BAN | Banffshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
BEW | Berwickshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
BOR | Borders (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
BUT | Bute [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
CAI | Caithness-shire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
CEN | Central Region (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
CLK | Clackmannanshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
DFS | Dumfriesshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
DGY | Dumfries & Galloway (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
DNB | Dunbartonshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
DUF | Dumfriesshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
DUN | Dunbartonshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
EDN | Edinburgh (LDS) should be Midlothian | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ELG | Elgin (LDS) should be Moray | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ELN | East Lothian (Haddington) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ELN | Haddington (see East Lothian) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
FIF | Fife | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
FOR | Forfar (LDS) should be Angus | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
GMP | Grampian (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
HAD | Haddington (LDS) should be East Lothian | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
HLD | Highland (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
INV | Inverness-shire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
KCD | Mearns (see Kincardineshire) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
KCD | Kincardineshire (Mearns) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
KKD | Kirkcudbrightshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
KNC | Kincardineshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
KNR | Kinross-shire (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
KRK | Kirkcudbrightshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
KRS | Kinross-shire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
LAK | Lanarkshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
LKS | Lanarkshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
LNL | Linlithgow (LDS) should be West Lothian | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
LTN | Lothian (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
MLN | Midlothian [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
MLN | Edinburgh (see Midlothian) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
MOR | Elgin (see Moray) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
MOR | Moray [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
NAI | Nairnshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
OKI | Orkney Isles | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ORK | Orkney Isles (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
PEE | Peebleshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
PER | Perthshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
RFW | Renfrewshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ROC | Ross & Cromarty [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ROX | Roxburghshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
SEL | Selkirkshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
SHI | Shetland Isles | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
SHI | Zetland (see Shetland Isles) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
STD | Strathclyde (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
STI | Stirlingshire [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
SUT | Sutherland [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
TAY | Tayside (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
WEL | West Lothian (LDS) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
WIG | West Galloway (see Wigtownshire) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
WIG | Wigtownshire (West Galloway) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
WIS | Western Isles (from 1975) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
WLN | Linlithgow (see West Lothian) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
WLN | West Lothian [until 1975] | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ZET | Shetland Isles (BSI) | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
ZET | Zetland (LDS) should be Shetland Isles | County/State/Province of SCOTLAND |
JKP | Jonkoping | County/State/Province of SWE |
KLM | Kalmar | County/State/Province of SWE |
KPB | Kopparberg | County/State/Province of SWE |
KRB | Kronoberg | County/State/Province of SWE |
OGL | Ostergotland | County/State/Province of SWE |
ORB | Orebro | County/State/Province of SWE |
SDM | Sodermanland | County/State/Province of SWE |
STK | Stockholm | County/State/Province of SWE |
UPP | Uppsala | County/State/Province of SWE |
VML | Vastmanland | County/State/Province of SWE |
AAR | Appenzell A.Rh | County/State/Province of SWI |
AG | Aargau | County/State/Province of SWI |
AIR | Appenzell I.Rh | County/State/Province of SWI |
BE | Bern | County/State/Province of SWI |
BL | Basel-Landschaft | County/State/Province of SWI |
BS | Basel-Stadt | County/State/Province of SWI |
FR | Frieburg (Fribourg) | County/State/Province of SWI |
GE | Genf (Geneve) | County/State/Province of SWI |
GL | Glarus | County/State/Province of SWI |
GR | Graubunden | County/State/Province of SWI |
LU | Luzern | County/State/Province of SWI |
NEU | Neuenburg (Neuchatel) | County/State/Province of SWI |
NW | Nidwalden | County/State/Province of SWI |
OW | Oberwalden | County/State/Province of SWI |
SG | Sankt Gallen | County/State/Province of SWI |
SH | Schaffhausen | County/State/Province of SWI |
SO | Solothurn | County/State/Province of SWI |
SZ | Schwyz | County/State/Province of SWI |
TG | Thurgau | County/State/Province of SWI |
TI | Tessin (Ticino) | County/State/Province of SWI |
UR | Uri | County/State/Province of SWI |
VD | Waad (Vaud) | County/State/Province of SWI |
VS | Wallis (Valais) | County/State/Province of SWI |
ZG | Zug | County/State/Province of SWI |
ZH | Zurich | County/State/Province of SWI |
ALD | Alderney (CHI) | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
ARL | Jura (SCT: Argyll) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
ARL | Mull (SCT: Argyll) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
ARL | Islay (SCT: Argyll) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
BUT | Arran (SCT: Bute) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
CON | Scilly Isles – part of Cornwall | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
GSY | Guernsey (CHI) | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
INV | Skye (SCT: Inverness-shire) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
INV | South Uist (SCT: Inverness-shire) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
INV | Lewis – part (SCT: Inverness-shire) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
INV | North Uist (SCT: Inverness-shire) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
IOM | Isle of Man | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
IOW | Isle of Wight – part of Hampshire (HAM) | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
JSY | Jersey (CHI) | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
OKI | Orkney Isles (SCT) | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
ROC | Lewis – part (SCT: Ross & Cromarty) [until 1975] | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
SHI | Shetland Isles (SCT) | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
SRK | Sark (CHI) | County/State/Province of UK ISLANDS |
AK | Alaska | County/State/Province of USA |
AL | Alabama | County/State/Province of USA |
AR | Arkansas | County/State/Province of USA |
AZ | Arizona | County/State/Province of USA |
CA | California | County/State/Province of USA |
CO | Colorado | County/State/Province of USA |
CT | Connecticut | County/State/Province of USA |
DC | District of Columbia | County/State/Province of USA |
DE | Delaware | County/State/Province of USA |
FL | Florida | County/State/Province of USA |
GA | Georgia | County/State/Province of USA |
HI | Hawaii | County/State/Province of USA |
IA | Iowa | County/State/Province of USA |
ID | Idaho | County/State/Province of USA |
IL | Illinois | County/State/Province of USA |
IN | Indiana | County/State/Province of USA |
KS | Kansas | County/State/Province of USA |
KY | Kentucky | County/State/Province of USA |
LA | Louisiana | County/State/Province of USA |
MA | Massachusetts | County/State/Province of USA |
MD | Maryland | County/State/Province of USA |
ME | Maine | County/State/Province of USA |
MI | Michigan | County/State/Province of USA |
MN | Minnesota | County/State/Province of USA |
MO | Missouri | County/State/Province of USA |
MS | Mississippi | County/State/Province of USA |
MT | Montana | County/State/Province of USA |
NC | North Carolina | County/State/Province of USA |
ND | North Dakota | County/State/Province of USA |
NE | Nebraska | County/State/Province of USA |
NH | New Hampshire | County/State/Province of USA |
NJ | New Jersey | County/State/Province of USA |
NM | New Mexico | County/State/Province of USA |
NV | Nevada | County/State/Province of USA |
NY | New York | County/State/Province of USA |
OH | Ohio | County/State/Province of USA |
OK | Oklahoma | County/State/Province of USA |
OR | Oregon | County/State/Province of USA |
PA | Pennsylvania | County/State/Province of USA |
PR | Puerto Rico | County/State/Province of USA |
RI | Rhode Island | County/State/Province of USA |
SC | South Carolina | County/State/Province of USA |
SD | South Dakota | County/State/Province of USA |
TN | Tennessee | County/State/Province of USA |
TX | Texas | County/State/Province of USA |
UT | Utah | County/State/Province of USA |
VA | Virginia | County/State/Province of USA |
VI | Virgin Islands | County/State/Province of USA |
VT | Vermont | County/State/Province of USA |
WA | Washington | County/State/Province of USA |
WI | Wisconsin | County/State/Province of USA |
WV | West Virginia | County/State/Province of USA |
WY | Wyoming | County/State/Province of USA |
AGY | Anglesey [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
BRE | Breconshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
CAE | Caernavonshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
CGN | Cardiganshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
CHH | Carmarthenshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of WALES |
CMN | Carmarthenshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
CWD | Clwyd [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
DBG | Denbighshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of WALES |
DEN | Denbighshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
DFD | Dyfed [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
FLN | Flint [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
GLA | Glamorganshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
GNT | Gwent [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
GWN | Gwynedd [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
MER | Merionethshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
MGM | Mid Glamorgan [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
MGY | Montgomeryshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
MNM | Monmouthshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of WALES |
MNT | Montgomeryshire (LDS) | County/State/Province of WALES |
MON | Monmouthshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
PEM | Pembrokeshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
POW | Powys [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
RAD | Radnorshire [until 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
SGM | South Glamorgan [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
WGM | West Glamorgan [from 1974] | County/State/Province of WALES |
ALL | All (One-Name Study) | Region/Zone name |
ANY | Anywhere | Region/Zone name |
ATS | At Sea (LDS) | Region/Zone name |
BWI | British West Indies (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
BWI | West Indies, British (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
CAM | Central America (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
CHI | Channel Islands (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
EAF | East Africa (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
GBR | Great Britain (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
IRE | Ireland (LDS) | Region/Zone name |
NAF | North Africa (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
NK | Unknown (LDS) | Region/Zone name |
NZN | New Zealand (North Island) | Region/Zone name |
NZS | New Zealand (South Island) | Region/Zone name |
SAM | South America (collective area) | Region/Zone name |
SEA | At Sea | Region/Zone name |
UNK | Unknown | Region/Zone name |
WAF | West Africa (collective area) | Region/Zone name |